Monday, June 13, 2011

Deliberate leg training...for deliberate growth.

NarkSide: June 13th 2011

"How can I get a pair of legs like yours?"

"How can I get a butt like yours?"

I get questions like these just about every time I step into the gym... or toss on a pair of shorts. Hell, jeans are no protection from questions like this either.

(...not that I'm complaining mind you.)

img src:

I used to be unsure of how to answer that question.

But, then I started to watch other people train. Wasn't hard to see then why so many people have stick legs

What I found missing from a lot of trainee's workouts was the deliberate execution of movements.

Sure, there are a lot of guys who move a ton of weight. But, out of that flock you're sure to find a pretty large percentage of guys who don't have the mass to show for the weight they move.


One reason is that their form sucks... so a lot of other muscles are brought into play.

Another reason is that they use momentum.

(Yet another reason is that they just plain hate the feel of a couple hundred pounds crushing their spine...but that's a discussion for another day lol!)

Momentum and form are the two facets that we'll be discussing today.

Here are a few vids I'd like you to check out. This may be a no-brainer, but I'll make the request anyway:
  • Do ignore the fact that there are small chicks in 'em.
  • And, hell, if you fixate on the fact that it's a chick giving you instructions, check out their thighs, compare 'em to your own...and then STFU and listen.
Dumbbell full squats, pause front squats, hip-dominant deadlifts etc:


Pause squats:


It's a no brainer.

Try training legs in a deliberate manner, and I gaurantee soreness and growth.

Take-home points:
  • Use Full ROM
  • Use tight form
  • Deliberately contract musculature

-Corey "Narkissos" Springer
Owner of:

"The NarkSide" Fitness Forums
Apollo Fitness Barbados
NarkSide Apparel

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