Narkissos's killer shape-up tips!!!Part 3
by Corey "Narkissos" Springer
Owner of: "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums,Apollo Fitness Barbados, & NarkSide Apparel.
October 12th 2009
Dear Readers,
October's here... and the temperature is slowly dropping in my part of the world. Everywhere around me I see people dragging their butts behind 'em. Gym-enthusiasts seem to have lost their enthusiasm.
Well I'm here to tell you guys to SNAP OUT OF IT!
I assume you've read the previous two installments of this series, and have been hungrily awaiting the third (and final) article in this series. Your wait is OVER! Let's get this party started!
NB: For those of you are now joining us, here are links to this series' previous two installments... Narkissos's killer shape-up tips:
Part 1 (tips 1-3):
Part 2 (tips 4-6):
7. Need motivation to move daily? Then start a running club!!
Let's face it... running kicks major ass, literally AND figuratively! The motion burns a hell of a lot of calories, as it heavily recruits a lot of musculature... particularly those of the core, hips, buns, and thighs... i.e. our problem areas. Need an endorphin boost? Then just about nothing beats a good all-out sprint. On a budget? Then hit the park. Running doesn't cost much in and of itself... it requires very little equipment, and can be done just about anywhere!** Running just rules.
( **NB: For the sake of joint preservation, please avoid running on uneven and overly hard surfaces. Also...Please select footwear appropriate to your activity.)
So where's the catch? Well, it's the same for any form of exercise: Motivation. People often complain that they "can't" motivate themselves to start or adhere to the activity. As regular readers of the NarkSide, you know that I don't believe in coddling... however, I've had my moments of impaired motivation myself. I've found that even the most hardcore athlete has 'em... and even said athlete can benefit from the structure and support that a group can lend. At the very least, it's great for a change of pace... and we all know that a change, however small, can help us bust through plateaus. So, let's get some plateau-busting action going!
6 simple start-up tips:
8. Circuit-train!
And no, I'm NOT talking about those generic, bordering on geriatric, circuits that some health clubs have set up for self-processed couch potatoes. Those things are obsolete. Health clubs generally set up those useless little circuits so they can pack as many people as possible into each square foot of the gym. Logic would dictate however that a 5 dissimilar people, with dissimilar builds, workout experience, and goals would not benefit equally from the same workout... particularly where, as is typical for health club circuits, the resistance and machine settings aren't adjusted to the individual.
No... for the purpose of this article, we're talking personalized circuit training: exercise with purpose. Cookie-cutter work-outs SUCK!
That being said, why circuit training?
Why? Because it works... particularly for our purpose: getting in shape quickly.
Let's face it... most of you have full-time jobs or classes. Ergo, most of you require work-outs that are efficient, and not overly time-consuming. Workouts don't get much more efficient than circuit training! With circuit training, one gets the benefit of moderate resistance work as well as that of aerobic work... via keeping one's heart-rate up. What's not to love?
Sample circuit-training week:
Monday: Back; abs; Biceps
Wednesday: Chest; Shoulders; triceps
Friday: Legs; abs
Suggestions: Add aerobic work on alternating days. 45-90 minutes should do the trick!
"Everything Nark?"
Yes... everything: from calories, to protein, to fats, to carbs, to training intensity/duration... cycle it all!
The best way to avoid getting stuck in a rut in life, is to add variety. Why would we approach fitness in any other way I ask? Most trainees don't have an answer... though their motivating factor is plain: it's easy. Yes, it's easy to get up and do the same thing everyday. It's easy to complain about it as well. It's easy to eat the same thing every day... boring yes, but easy... much easier than putting some thought into it. Much easier than scouring the grocery aisle for something new, 'exciting', and low-calorie to incorporate into one's diet... again, much easier than doing a little research on a new approach. It's 'easy' to look the same way for years on end... but hell, I doubt any of you is actually satisfied with just that, though you behave to the contrary. Let's nip it in the bud. Let's have a targeted approach!
Cycle your training:
Cycle your diet:
Cycle your cardio:
Part of the reason I wanted to write this series, is because of the number of people I see struggling in gyms across the country. Hopefully you guys internalize these tips, and use them to the best of your abilities. I'm looking forward to seeing some KILLER transformations over these coming months... so don't let me down. :)
Good luck all!
-Corey "Narkissos" Springer
Owner of:
"The NarkSide" Fitness Forums
Apollo Fitness Barbados
NarkSide Apparel
by Corey "Narkissos" Springer
Owner of: "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums,Apollo Fitness Barbados, & NarkSide Apparel.
October 12th 2009
Dear Readers,
October's here... and the temperature is slowly dropping in my part of the world. Everywhere around me I see people dragging their butts behind 'em. Gym-enthusiasts seem to have lost their enthusiasm.
Well I'm here to tell you guys to SNAP OUT OF IT!
I assume you've read the previous two installments of this series, and have been hungrily awaiting the third (and final) article in this series. Your wait is OVER! Let's get this party started!
NB: For those of you are now joining us, here are links to this series' previous two installments... Narkissos's killer shape-up tips:
Part 1 (tips 1-3):
Part 2 (tips 4-6):
7. Need motivation to move daily? Then start a running club!!
Let's face it... running kicks major ass, literally AND figuratively! The motion burns a hell of a lot of calories, as it heavily recruits a lot of musculature... particularly those of the core, hips, buns, and thighs... i.e. our problem areas. Need an endorphin boost? Then just about nothing beats a good all-out sprint. On a budget? Then hit the park. Running doesn't cost much in and of itself... it requires very little equipment, and can be done just about anywhere!** Running just rules.
( **NB: For the sake of joint preservation, please avoid running on uneven and overly hard surfaces. Also...Please select footwear appropriate to your activity.)
So where's the catch? Well, it's the same for any form of exercise: Motivation. People often complain that they "can't" motivate themselves to start or adhere to the activity. As regular readers of the NarkSide, you know that I don't believe in coddling... however, I've had my moments of impaired motivation myself. I've found that even the most hardcore athlete has 'em... and even said athlete can benefit from the structure and support that a group can lend. At the very least, it's great for a change of pace... and we all know that a change, however small, can help us bust through plateaus. So, let's get some plateau-busting action going!
6 simple start-up tips:
- Think about what you're trying to achieve, and set goals.
- Connect with like-minded individuals, and bring only those individuals on board.
- Discuss and implement a running schedule that each of you can stick to.
- Plan your distances in advance.
- Sub-divide your group into smaller groups based on individual fitness levels (re: pace-setting)
- Set up a notification system to alert your group to cancellations.
8. Circuit-train!
And no, I'm NOT talking about those generic, bordering on geriatric, circuits that some health clubs have set up for self-processed couch potatoes. Those things are obsolete. Health clubs generally set up those useless little circuits so they can pack as many people as possible into each square foot of the gym. Logic would dictate however that a 5 dissimilar people, with dissimilar builds, workout experience, and goals would not benefit equally from the same workout... particularly where, as is typical for health club circuits, the resistance and machine settings aren't adjusted to the individual.
No... for the purpose of this article, we're talking personalized circuit training: exercise with purpose. Cookie-cutter work-outs SUCK!
That being said, why circuit training?
Why? Because it works... particularly for our purpose: getting in shape quickly.
Let's face it... most of you have full-time jobs or classes. Ergo, most of you require work-outs that are efficient, and not overly time-consuming. Workouts don't get much more efficient than circuit training! With circuit training, one gets the benefit of moderate resistance work as well as that of aerobic work... via keeping one's heart-rate up. What's not to love?
Sample circuit-training week:
Monday: Back; abs; Biceps
- Hyper-extensions -- 10 repetitions
- Horizontal Pullups -- 10 repetitions
- Crunches -- 10-15 repetitions
- One Arm Dumbell Rows -- 12-15 repetitions
- Lat Pulldowns -- 15 repetitions
- Laying leg-raises -- 10-15 repetitions
- Barbell Curls -- 15 repetitions
Wednesday: Chest; Shoulders; triceps
- Dumbbell Pullover -- 12-15 repetitions
- Dumbbell (floor) Fly -- 12-15 repetitions
- Dumbbell Floor press -- 12-15 repetitions
- Kneeling Lateral Raises -- 12-15 repetitions
- Kneeling Overhead Press -- 12-15 repetitions
- Kneeling Bent-Lateral Raises -- 12-15 repetitions
- Triceps Kickback -- 12-15 repetitions
Friday: Legs; abs
- Squats -- 20 repetitions. (Use dumbbells if bodyweight alone isn't a challenge)
- Hyper-extensions -- 10 repetitions
- Decline sit-up -- 10-15 repetitions
- Dead-lifts -- 10 repetitions
- Step-ups -- 10 repetitions (each leg)
- Reverse Hyper-extension -- 15 repetitions
- Standing Calf Raises -- 20 repetitions
Suggestions: Add aerobic work on alternating days. 45-90 minutes should do the trick!
"Everything Nark?"
Yes... everything: from calories, to protein, to fats, to carbs, to training intensity/duration... cycle it all!
The best way to avoid getting stuck in a rut in life, is to add variety. Why would we approach fitness in any other way I ask? Most trainees don't have an answer... though their motivating factor is plain: it's easy. Yes, it's easy to get up and do the same thing everyday. It's easy to complain about it as well. It's easy to eat the same thing every day... boring yes, but easy... much easier than putting some thought into it. Much easier than scouring the grocery aisle for something new, 'exciting', and low-calorie to incorporate into one's diet... again, much easier than doing a little research on a new approach. It's 'easy' to look the same way for years on end... but hell, I doubt any of you is actually satisfied with just that, though you behave to the contrary. Let's nip it in the bud. Let's have a targeted approach!
Cycle your training:
- Weeks 1-2: Low volume, low frequency weight-training
- Weeks 3-4: High volume, high-frequency weight-training
- Week 5: De-load
Cycle your diet:
- Weight-training days: Moderate protein; High carbs; Low-fat
- Cardio-only days: High protein; Low carbs; moderate fat
- Off-days: Moderate protein; Low carbs (vegetables only); High (healthy) fats
Cycle your cardio:
- 3 days each week: high volume/duration cardio
- 3 days each week: low volume/duration (high intensity)
Part of the reason I wanted to write this series, is because of the number of people I see struggling in gyms across the country. Hopefully you guys internalize these tips, and use them to the best of your abilities. I'm looking forward to seeing some KILLER transformations over these coming months... so don't let me down. :)
Good luck all!
-Corey "Narkissos" Springer
Owner of:
"The NarkSide" Fitness Forums
Apollo Fitness Barbados
NarkSide Apparel

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