Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 things you can do to make workouts work for you!

5 things you can do to make workouts work for you!

By Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of:
Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums.

Written: Wednesday July 15th 2009

Re-written for: Kurama Magazine

Hey all. Today’s article comes to you courtesy of lazy clients the world over.

I'm currently typing this up mid-stride on the treadmill. Why?

Well, I incurred a slipped disc just over a week ago... the second in 3 months mind you... and, as part of my rehabilitation my chiropractor prescribed one hour of cardio per day.

That's bed-rest... No laying on my back bemoaning my misfortune.
One hour of cardio per day. Clearly she's trying to kill me right?

On top of that, she prescribed mobilization exercises and stretches thrice per day. Is that all? Hell no. My doc added self-myofascial release (i.e. self-induced deep tissue torture) on top of all of that.

A long story made short?

She made me accountable.

She cleared me to return to weight-training two days ago... so now we're tossing an elite workout on top of the rehab.

Counter-intuitive much???

While plodding away here, sweat blinding me, my mood's turned quite bitter.

Why you ask?

Well while I plod away here in pain, a bunch of excuses I've heard from 100% healthy clients all came flooding back.

"[Insert exercise] doesn't work for me."

"I don't 'feel' [insert exercise]".

"I can't"... blah, blah, blah!

Enough already!

What. *Can*. You. Do?! That is my question to you.

In a sea of "can't"s... What *can* you do?

*pregnant pause*

*Client refuses to make eye contact*
*silence ensues*

Ok... Let’s not turn this into a guilt trip. That isn’t what this article is about.

Proceeding under the assumption that your excuses will be horribly poor... let's try to make your workouts work!

Pet Peeve #1:
"the treadmill does nothing for me!"

Yea.. of course it won't "do anything" if you set it to warp speed and then proceed to grab on to the bars while your feet chip along uselessly.

*pauses so the imagery can sink in*

I see this approach utilized in ALL gyms... all gyms, without deviation.

Just like lifting heavy things, people like to brag about their maximum(s). In this case, they talk smack about how fast they can go.

They turn the most natural form of exercise into a farce.

So... How can you make it productive?

This may be a novel concept, but bear with me.

It’s called: WALKING!

Let me extrapolate a bit further.

I’d like you to:
  • Increase the treadmill’s incline
  • Lower the treadmill’s speed (to one where holding on isn't required)
  • Let go of the hand rail

Many times more effective?
Hell yes.

What makes it ‘better’?

I’ll tell you.

Holding on for dear life:
  • Negates torso twisting
  • Reduces the need for conscious torso stabilization
  • Reduces arm pumping and scapulae retraction (etc.)
... thus reducing muscle recruitment.

Reduced muscle recruitment equates to reduced calorie expenditure, and reduced substrate utilization.

Need I say: /Fail?

Pet Peeve #2:
"The gym is boring!"

And being fat is exciting?

I KNEW I was missing something all these years!

/end sarcasm.

Seriously speaking though: Who needs a gym?

You can work out at home.

For less than $100 you can set up a callisthenic Utopia: 1 swiss fitness ball, 3 resistance bands; 1 floor mat; and a couple pairs of dumbbells.

That's all you need.

Not a home-body? Then take it outdoors!

Make the world your gym.

Parks, beaches, car-parks... Possible gym alternatives are endless!

Pet Peeve #3: "Cardio is boring man!"

...but apparently so is work and school. Yet still you go there 8 hours per day, 5-6 days per week.

What's 30 minutes of cardio by comparison?

Why does cardio need to be boring anyway?

When I think about cardio, I think about it in the same manner as I think about sex... and any other thing that I consider essential to my way of life.

Would you do sex the same way, day in and day out?

If you answer 'yes' to this question... then this is the wrong article for you.

Kindly scroll up to the upper right of this window...and click the 'X' that you find there.


Back to the topic at hand: I'm sure you don't do sex the same way every time... You like to keep it interesting and fulfilling.

I'd suggest that you approach cardio in the same way.

...but, keep your clothes on please. LOL

  • Take up a new sport.
  • Walk outdoors.
  • Utilize trail runs and hill sprints.
  • Push your car for a couple lengths of the car park of the gym.
  • Flip tires.
  • Take a sledgehammer to a large tire...and smash the fucking hell out of it.
  • Jump rope.
  • Wrestle with your kids or significant other.

Again, the options are endless!!!

Pet Peeve #4: "I don't have the time!!"

When I hear this one, I usually immediately start to stare at the ceiling... waiting for an archangel to smite me for having unkind thoughts.

It never happens fortunately.

Anyway... I'd put this question to you: How much television do you watch?

Heck... I've got a couple more questions:

How much time, outside of work/school, do you spend in front the PC?

How many nights do you hit the bar with your mates?

How many times per week do you go to the movies?

Do you have time for video games and/or computer games?

If any of these options consume more than 15 minutes daily... then you have MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME TO EXERCISE.

It doesn't take 90 minutes per day... 30 minutes will do.

Find me 30 minutes, and I'll find your inner slim person.

Pet Peeve #5: "I don't have a clue what I'm doing!"

An FYI: You're in good company... as most people who join gyms have no fucking clue what they're doing.

Heck, most of the people who've been going to the gym for years still have no clue.

I've come and found people doing the same shit day in and day out for 2+ years... who look the same way 2 years later.

Sometimes they aren't to blame entirely. Most of the time however, they are.

Some people stick with personal trainers who do nothing for 'em. Why? Because they've become comfortable with said individual.

Some people have personal trainers who train 'em really well... but have no clue when it comes to dieting. So these people lose no fat.

Some people come to the gym simply to socialize.

The good thing is, you don't *have* to be one of these people. You have a hand in whether you fail or succeed.

My advice to you would be that you decide why you're there from the minute you first join.

Pick a personal trainer who has a track record of getting people in shape... not the most ‘fun’ and ‘out-going’ personality in the gym, unless they are one and the same.

There will always be obstacles... many of them, of our own making. Success comes when we recognize and surpass these roadblocks.

I’ve given you the tools. The ball is now in your court.
Good luck!

-Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of:
Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums

Related Articles by Corey Springer:

"You are what you assimilate!" by Corey Springer
"Getting a Grasp on the concept of Dieting" by Corey Springer
"10 Excuses Fat people make & 10 rebuttals" by Corey Springer

"I can't drink water!" by Corey Springer
Busting Weight-loss Myths the NarkSide way.
Can't lose the fat? 3 things 75% of you are doing wrong!
"Cut Liquid Calories... Cut bodyfat." by Corey Springer

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Attention-seeking Bitches" by Corey Springer

"Attention-seeking Bitches"
...Children masquerading as adults, or bullies masquerading as victims?

By Corey Springer

Written for: The NarkSide; Wednesday 13th May 3:35 a.m.
Re-Written: Wednesday July 15 2009 for Kurama Magazine

Confused as to why I would be writing about relationship issues?

Don't be.

Health is about synergy... i.e. a sum of parts, each area influencing and supporting another.

Relationship issues affect how we function.

Relationships affect how our bodies work.

So... today's rant is about relationships!

I'm *very* sure many of your have been on the receiving end of erratic behavior(s) in your relationships. Anyone who has spent but five minutes perusing the NarkSide relationship forum would probably come to the very same conclusion: Crazy bitches abound. I use 'bitches' in an extremely generalized manner for this discussion... as 'bitch behavior' isn't limited to any one sex at any one time. Let's face it... guys and girls both get their undies in a bunch.

That being said, anecdotal evidence would suggest that attention-seeking behavior is surprisingly frequent in adult relationships.

"Really Nark?"

"Yes dude!"

Oftentimes significant others seek to be the "the center of attention" so as to alleviate feelings of inadequacy.

"Really Nark?"

"Yes dude!"

However, as the underlying problem remains unaddressed, 'relief' is temporary at best. Ergo, the cycle repeats itself indefinitely: low self-confidence, self-esteem, low levels of self-worth and self-love... followed by the manifestation of attention-whoring... followed by a 'high'. This high is, of course, followed by an abysmal crash.

No kidding right?

However, nothing is 'clear' or 'obvious' where irrational behaviors are concerned. So, for the sake of this discussion... let's *not* take anything for granted.

To re-cap:

  • Both males and females are whiny as f*ck
  • Attention-seeking behavior is common as hell
  • Attention-seeking behavior = Epic fail.


Let's explore the different types of attention-getting behaviors!
Recognizing attention getting personae:

Mr./Mrs "Why me":
This individual may feign or exaggerate an illness or injury... possibly even causing or inviting subsequent injuries. This attention-whore's special skill is in manipulating people through their emotions... especially manipulating that subsequent feeling of guilt. Apparently it's very difficult not to feel sorry for someone with a plausible "poor me" tale.

This individual dashes in to "rescue" people whenever the opportunity arises... well, whenever one arises that he/she can use to their self-glorification. Said individual gets off on basking in the glory of his/her 'humanitarian' actions...preying on any person unlucky enough to be suffering in their vicinity.

The HandyMan:
This person puts themselves 'in charge' all the time. To some, this paints the person as 'reliable' or 'dependable'. However, helping people is but a means to an end for this individual... as being the center of attention is the primary goal.

Manipulative Bitch:
This individual may exploit relationships, manipulating others with guilt and distorting perceptions... twisting words and misquoting is this individual's strength. While said individual may not do any physical harm, emotional injury is a given. A common attention-seeking ploy by this individual is to claim he/she is being persecuted, victimized, excluded, isolated or ignored.

Mr./Mrs. Dramatist:
Every incident is an opportunity worth exploiting where this individual is concerned. It doesn't matter how insignificant the argument is... it can be exaggerated and, if necessary, distorted to a 10 on the Richter scale.


This individual is the absolute busiest person in the world... or so he/she says. Everyday routines, which Joe Average would regard as not being worth sharing, are relayed in a larger-than-life fashion. The world is their audience... and their tale is always epic. This oh-so-busy person, who never has a moment to themselves (though they seem to find a moment, or 15, to impress the world with their story-telling skills), let it rip whenever he/she has a chance... of course, never too busy to tell you how busy he/she is.

The Fucking Fake
This person is always on the defense. Whenever they are outwitted, this person automatically reaches for the denial escape hatch. *Wham* *Pow* - counterattack - *duck* *run* *re-direct*

Counterattack delivered, this person then switches the convo on its head... claiming to be the victim. The most effective method of feigning victimhood is to burst into tears. Significant others are supposed to stop arguing and hand you a tissue and a shoulder to cry on... aren't they?

Joe Bi-polar:
This guy/gal is hysterical. She/he switches from boisterously happy to miserable as f*ck, and back again...almost at the drop of a hat. Don't be confused however... This behavior is meant solely to keep those around him/her on their toes: never complacent... always tripping over themselves to cater to this individual's needs. Joe BP remains at the center... clearly the most important person in someone's universe.

Threatening Tommy:
One of my favorite personalities really. Threatening Tommy (also called 'Tommie' where relevant) threatens their significant other with uncharacteristic behaviors. e.g. Threatening Tommie and her beau Joe have an argument. Tommie threatens to go to the bar and get wasted. What's uncommon and 'unbalanced' about that? Well the threat of getting shitfaced aside, Tommie actually has no intention of going to the bar. Her sole intention is to goad a reaction from Joe... to see if he "really cares". Disturbed much?

Dastardly Dan:
Also known as "Dannie" where feasible. This individual threatens to do stupid things...and does 'em. "Joe... You don't give me any attention, so I'm going to go to a bar and bang the first guy I see!" Psycho-much? Yep. But this personality is also frequent-much. I think this is the personality that guys (and i can only speak as a guy) fear. Anyway, I've digressed here. Dan(nie) thrives on the immediate self-gratification derived from attention received...regardless of the source. "'s no stranger".


Ok... So it's been established that it is likely that some facet of attention-seeking behavior will occur.

It *is* an established norm after all.

We've outlined the ways in which said behavior manifests.

But... what *is* it?

Lynne Forrest, in her article "The Three Faces of Victim: An Overview of the Drama Triangle" outlined 3 personae... each of which appears to be part of the psyche of an attention-getter.

So... would it be correct to say that an attention-getter has a divergent personality?

**(That's Nark-Speak for: "THE BI

Along this vein, some would label attention-getting behavior a facet of narcissistic personality disorder.





I leave you with those questions.


-Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of:
Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums

"Stop fucking around: 6 things you can do to make workouts fucking work for you!" by Corey Springer

Stop fucking around: 6 things you can do to make workouts fucking work for you!

By Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of: Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums.

ritten: Wednesday July 15 2009 for Kurama Magazine

Yep another rant. I'm coming to your mid-stride on the treadmill. You see, I recently incurred a slipped disc just over a week ago... the second in 3 months.

As part of my rehab my chiropractor prescribed one hour of cardio per day.

That's fucking bedrest... No laying on my back bitching. One hour of gatdamned cardio per day.

On top of that I'm supposed to do prescribed mobilization exercises and stretches thrice per day. My doc added self-myofascial release (SMR) on top of all of that.

No bullshit excuses. No laying down on my ass ringing a bell so my maidservant could come wipe my ass.

Nope... None of that.

My Chiro made me accountable.

She cleared me to return to weight-training two days ago... so now we're tossing an elite workout on top of the rehab.

Counter-intuitive much?

While plodding away here, sweat blinding me, my mood's turned quite bitter.

Why you ask?

Well while I plod away here in pain, a bunch of excuses I've heard from 100% healthy clients all came flooding back.

"[Insert exercise] doesn't work for me."

"I don't 'feel' [insert exercise]".

"I can't"... blah, blah, blah!

Enough already!





That is my question to you.

In a sea of "can't"s... What *can* you do?

I've been called antagonistic before.

No skin off MY back.

So... humor me.

What. *Can*. You. Do?

*pregnant pause*
*Client refuses to make eye contact*
*silence ensues*

Ok.. Let not turn this into a guilt trip. Let's proceed under the assumption that ALL your excuses are BULLSHIT.

Proceeding under this assumption... let's try to make your workouts work!

Pet Peeve #1:
"the treadmill does nothing for me!"

Yea.. of course it won't "do shit" if you set it to warp speed and then proceed to grab on to the bars while your feet chip along uselessly.

*pauses so the imagery can sink in*

I see this bullshit approach in ALL gyms. Just like lifting heavy things, people like to brag about their max. In this case, they talk smack about how fast the can go.

They turn the most natural form of exercise into a farce.

So... How can you make it productive?


Let go of the gatdamned handrest, up the incline, lower the speed to one where holding on isn't required... and ACTUALLY WALK!

Foreign concept... I know.

"How unconventional Nark."

Fuck it.

Holding on for dear life negates torso twisting, torso stabilization, arm pumping, and scapulae retraction (etc.)... thus reducing muscle recruitment.

Reduced muscle recruitment equates to reduced calorie expenditure, and reduced substrate utilization.

Need I say: /Fail?

Pet Peeve #2: "The gym is boring!"

And being fat is exciting?

I KNEW I was missing something all these years!

/end sarcasm.

Who needs a gatdamned gym?


Work out at home.

For less than $100 you can set up a calisthenic Utopia: 1 swiss fitness ball, 3 resistance bands; 1 floor mat; and a couple pairs of dumbbells.

That's all you need.

Not a home-body? Then take it outdoors!

Make the world your gym.

Parks are your friend gatdammit!





Pet Peeve #3: "Cardio is boring man!"

...but apparently so is work and school. Yet still you go there 8 hours per day, 5-6 days per week.

What's 30 minutes of cardio by comparison?

Why does cardio need to be boring anyway?

When I think about cardio, I think about it in the same manner as I think about sex... and any other thing that I consider essential to my way of life.

Would you do sex the same way, day in and day out?

If you answer 'yes' to this question... then this is the wrong article for you.

Kindly scroll up to the upper right of this window...and click the 'X' that you find there.


Back to the topic at hand: I'm sure you don't do sex the same way every time... You like to keep it interesting and fulfilling.

I'd suggest that you approach cardio in the same way.

...but, keep your clothes on please. LOL

  • Take up a new sport.
  • Walk outdoors.
  • Utilize trailruns.
  • Push your car for a couple lengths of the car park of the gym.
  • Flip tires.
  • Take a sledgehammer to a large tire...and smash the fucking hell out of it.
  • Jump rope.
  • Wrestle with your kids or significant other.

Hell, the options are endless!!!

Pet Peeve #4: "I don't have the time!!"

When I hear this one, I usually immediately start to stare at the ceiling... waiting for an archangel to smite me for having unkind thoughts.

It never happens fortunately.

Anyway... I'd put this question to you: How much television do you watch?

Heck... I've got a couple more questions:

How much time, outside of work/school, do you spend in front the PC?

How many nights do you hit the bar with your mates?

How many times per week do you go to the movies?

Do you have time for video games and/or computer games?

If any of these options consume more than 15 minutes daily... then you have MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME TO EXERCISE.

It doesn't take 90 minutes per day... 30 minutes will do.

Find me 30 minutes, and I'll find your inner slim person.

Pet Peeve #5: "I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing!"

An FYI: You're in good company... as most people who join gyms have no fucking clue what they're doing.

Heck, most of the people who've been going to the gym for years still have no clue.

I've come and found people doing the same shit day in and day out for 2+ years... who look the same way 2 years later.

Sometimes they aren't to blame entirely.

Most of the time however, they are.

Some people stick with personal trainers who do nothing for 'em... Why? Because they're comfortable with 'em.

Some people have personal trainers who train 'em really well... but have no clue when it comes to dieting. So these people lose no fat.

Some people come to the gym simply to socialize.

The good thing is, you don't *have* to be one of these people.

You have a hand in whether you fail or succeed.

My advice to you would be that you decide why you're there from the minute you first join.

Pick a personal trainer who has a track record of getting people in shape... Personality be damned.

You want results, not a fucking cuddle-buddy.

Pet Peeve #6: "This shit fucking hurts!"

Get over it.


This has been a NarkSide rant.


-Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of:
Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums

"You are what you assimilate!" by Corey Springer

"You are what you assimilate!"

By Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of: Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums.

ritten: Wednesday July 15 2009 for Kurama Magazine

"You are what you eat", the old adage goes.

As a regular subscriber to the NarkSide, you know just how little stock we put into cliches.

So, in true NarkSide flair, let's scrap that cliche... That's right. Wipe that line from your minds.

Swap it instead for a little piece of reality I like to call: "You are what you assimilate".

You are what you absorb... Not just what you cram down your throat.

This isn't to say that my previous rants (i.e. if you eat shit, you'll look like shit) are negated however.

I see you fatties... piling the pizza and cheesecake in, literally eating yourselves to death.

What's that?

A collective chuckle from the world's health nuts? Don't think for a moment that you've been left out of this rant.

Me: Aims.

Me: Fires.

Me: Scores!

So many of us in the health and fitness lifestyle take intestinal health for granted... indiscriminately piling gobs of protein and carbs into our stomachs in the hopes of adding lean muscle.

We exist on the flip side of this discussion... ironically mirroring the very behaviors we demonize... via ingesting similarly large amounts of supposedly healthy foods with absolutely no regard for form or function.

"But it's healthy Nark."


Gorging is healthy?

Thanks for the tip bub.

To clarify and correct however: The results, surprisingly, are pretty similar.

Indiscriminate food ingestion, regardless of whether the food choice is 'healthy' or 'unhealthy', leads to bloated/distended abdomens, flatulence, lethargy, and poor elimination.

"But how could that be Nark? Surely we're more healthy than they", the health nuts among you must be saying.

"Who gives a rat's ass Nark? I can pop some antacids and be fine in the morning", the couch potatoes are saying.

Memo to both groups: "Shut yer trap"... You're both equally wrong!

Undigested food sitting there rotting there in your gut is the same, whether it is of healthy origins or not.

Ergo the generation of toxins et. al. will be similar... Again, regardless of its origin.

Your digestive tract...that 30-foot tube which people tend to take for granted, is the foundation of your health.


Let me be more clear: neglect (and/or abuse) your digestive tract, and expect your health to degenerate.


Well... it should be simple... but, as is human nature, we tend to over-complicate things.

We allow ourselves to be governed by our taste buds, as opposed to our actual needs and responses.

e.g. Individual A is lactose intolerant, as well as allergic to grains.

Milk products give her flatulence, gut distension, lethargy, and sometimes diarrhea.

Grain products give her water retention (which denotes a systemic allergic reaction), and lethargy.

Systemic allergic reactions lead to impaired glucose tolerance.

Impaired glucose tolerance leads to increased visceral fat.

Blah, blah blah.

Will she, knowing any of this, cut the offending foods from her diet?

Generally no.

The media and society teaches us that 'everything's ok in moderation'.

The actuality is, however, that this is BULLSHIT!

Let me reiterate: This. Is. BULLSHIT!

Would you down arsenic because it "tasted good"?

I'd fathom not... However, that's basically what most people do.

And this is with regard to both 'healthy foods' and unhealthy ones alike.

Guys you've got to remember that this 30-foot tube you take for granted exists to deliver the substrates necessary to sustain life.

This tube needs to be in good condition to deliver needed nutrients to their critical absorption points.

Irritants irritate.

Irritation impairs assimilation.

Let's again refer to our opening statement: "You are what you assimilate".

What happens when assimilation is impaired?

Let me give you an abbreviated rundown:

  • Bloating, belching, burning, flatulence after meals
  • Otherwise unexplainable headaches
  • Indigestion, diarrhea, constipation
  • Systemic reactions after meals (e.g. itching, water retention)
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea after taking supplements
  • Rectal itching
  • Weak or cracked finger nails
  • Dilated capillaries in the cheeks and nose (in non-alcoholics)
  • Skin eruptions, post-adolescent acne, or other skin irritations such as rosacea
  • Iron deficiency
  • Chronic intestinal infections, parasites, yeast, unfriendly bacteria
  • Undigested food in the stool
  • Greasy stools
  • Skin that’s easily bruised
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
  • Chronic vaginitis (vaginal irritation)

Additionally, there is a school of thought which attributed other symptoms, such as impotence, loss of libido, infertility, muscle atrophy, cramps, joint pain, arthritis, autoimmune disease, vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome to malabsorption.

Major Causes of impaired digestive health:

  • Stress
  • Poor and imbalanced diets. (NB: 'Imbalanced' in this instance refers to a too-heavy inclusion of sugars, starches, and 'unhealthy' fats.)
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Frequent antibiotic or drug use
  • A poorly function immune system (NB: stress, including emotional stress can contribute to this. Poor eating habits can as well.)
  • Intestinal infections
  • Parasite infestation
  • Systemic/Gastric Inflammation

(NB: a number of these are either related to or exacerbated by a poor diet.)

Steps to maintaining/improving digestive health:

1. Choose high quality, fresh and (freshly) frozen foods

Cutting down on canned/boxed foods, I've found, can lead to dramatic improvements in gastric health. Preservatives et. al. are highly irritating.

2. Chew thoroughly

Digestion of carbohydrates (starches, sugars) begins in the mouth via chewing, and the release of saliva and enzymes. Most people rush through meals, subsequently not chewing thoroughly. As a result, when food reaches your stomach, digestion is harder than it should be. The same goes for proteins. While the digestion of proteins doesn't start in the mouth, the process of proper mastication can make digestion faster, easier, and more thorough.

Chewing is the first and, some would argue, most important stage of proper digestion.

3. Boost Hydrochloric acid output.

The second most important stage of digestion occurs in the stomach. What compound plays the ultimate supporting role in this enviroment?

You guessed it... Hydrochloric acid (HCl)!

While HCl does not by itself digest food, it initiates and supports the process.

It triggers the enzyme pepsin to break down proteins.

HCl also destroys pathogenic bacteria and parasites, eggs and larvae.

Heck, HCl also prevents colon bacteria from moving up into the small intestine.

Can you say bad-ass?!

It is both your primary signaling agent, as well as your first line of defense.

It can only do its job if it's present in appreciably adequate quantities however... and this is where an increasing number of people meet their first issue.

Due to high-stress lifestyles and poor dietary habits, more and more people are producing less and less HCl.

Part of the solution can be found in supplementing with Betaine HCL and pepsin... This can be further augmented by reducing stress levels.

However, let's face it... most of us can't fathom doing less in a world that demands more.

At the very least however, you can add these supplements to boost HCl output, and digestive efficiency.

4. Supplement with digestive enzymes.

Digestion: Digestive enzymes assists the body in breaking down foods.

Assimilation: They can also improve the body's ability to extract nutrients from foods.

Digestion + Assimilation: The basis of our entire discussion today.

To reiterate: You are what you assimilate.

I generally suggest going with two digestive enzyme formulas:

1. An all-in-one formula (which includes Lipase; Amylase; Cellulase; Lactase; Invertase; Malt Diastase)

2. A needs-specific formula. (e.g. If your protein intake is high, you'll need to supplement with an additional protease formula...)

As a self-professed carnivove (lol) I've found great personal success with bromelaine as my primary digestive enzyme.

I'd suggest that you assess the type of dieting style you subscribe to (whether it be keto-dieting, moderate-carb, vegan etc.), and supplement digestive enzymes to suit.

5. Prebiotics/Probiotics Power!!!

Your intestines house loads upon loads of bacteria. Some are 'good', others are 'bad'. The ratio of 'good' to 'bad' generally dictates the state of our intestinal health. An imbalance favoring

the 'bad' bacteria can lead to leaky gut, an overabundance of bacterial pathogens, an overgrowth of yeast (e.g. candida) and illness.
Supplementing with probiotic-rich fermented foods and drinks add healthy microflora to your intestines, tipping the balance of 'good' and 'bad' towards 'good'. Adding susbtrates (like

organic apple cider vinegar) which feed the 'good' bacteria, can assist... so can utilizing specialized Probiotic supplements.

6. Fiber up and water down!!!

Yet another argument for the conscious ingestion of water I'm afraid.

This tip incorporates the inclusion of fiber the two go hand in hand.

While all of the preceding tips relay ideas for maintaining health... I'm afraid that they are more or less useless if those backed up pipes aren't cleared.

Here's where fiber and water come in.

Fiber can be broken down into soluble and insoluble types... both of them being important to digestive health.

Basically, fiber adds bulk to stools... decreasing the transit time throught the intestinal track.

Insoluble fiber, which remains unchanged through-out, assists in the elimination of previously undigested matter which may have stuck to the intestinal wall.

Soluble fiber has the additional benefit of being a prebiotic... i.e. it feeds the 'good' bacteria.

Its byproducts (i.e. short-chain fatty acids) also offer numerous health benefits.

As stated above, water and fiber go hand in hand.

Soluble fiber attracts and absorbs water... thus increasing the bulk and softness of stools.

Water is as much of an essential component to proper elimination... as elimination is to assimilation.

Stay hydrated!!!

8. Give your digestive system a break.

While I'm not a fan of fasting, I *have* done it on multiple occasions. As a bodybuilder, and avid fitness enthusiast, it would seem counterintuitive to eat nothing. Truth be told, I'm not telling you to eat nothing. I'm simply suggesting that, for a spell, you ingest foods that won't irritate your digestive tract.

Simple pseudo-fasts can be done in this manner:
[Duration: 2 weeks]

For a 180lb male:
  • Meals 1-6: 2 scoops hemp protein + 1 cup berries + 1 cup unsweetened hemp milk + 1tbsp flax meal + 1 tbsp hemp oil [stevia + cinnamon to taste]
  • Prior to workouts: 10grams Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
  • Post-workouts: 10 grams BCAAs

For a 120-140 lb female

  • Meals 1-5: 1 scoop hemp protein; 1 cup hemp milk; 1 tbsp almond butter; 1 tbsp flax meal [+stevia + cinnamon to taste]
  • Prior to workouts: 5 grams BCAAs + 1 cup berries

Post-fasting, we'd follow low-stress re-introduction phase: [Duration: 2 weeks]

For a 180lb male:

  • Meal 1: 1 scoop whey protein isolate + 1 cup berries + 1 cup unsweetened hemp milk
  • Meal 2: 3-4 soft-boiled eggs
  • Meal 3: 4 oz steamed tilapia; 2 cups steamed broccoli; 2 tbsp oilive oil
  • Meal 4: 2 slices ezekial bread; 2 tbsp organic almond butter
  • Meal 5: 4 oz steamed tilapia; 2 cups steamed broccoli
  • Meal 6: 1 scoop whey protein isolate + 1 cup unsweetened hemp milk; 1 scoop flax meal

For a 120 lb female:

  • Meal 1: 3 soft-boiled eggs
  • Meal 2: 1 slices ezekiel bread; 1 tbsp organic almond butter
  • Meal 3: 3 oz steamed tilapia; 2 cups steamed broccoli; 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Meal 4: 2 scoops hemp protein; 1 cup hemp milk; 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Meal 5: 3 soft-boiled eggs
Additional Resources:

Narkissos's gut-health supplementation regime:

Taken with every meal:
  • Bromelaine 1000mg
  • Betaine HCL 1000mg
  • Pepsin 20 mg
  • An all-in-one formula containing: Lipase; Amylase; Cellulase; Lactase; Invertase; Malt Diastase

Narkissos's "Health-never-tasted-so-sweet" shake:**

1 cup unsweetened Hemp milk
1/2 La Yogurt lowfat unsweetened probiotic yogurt
1/2 cup "Irresistibles" Whole frozen Strawberries
2 scoops (30gr) "Jarrow Formulas" Hemp protein
2 scoops (30gr) Flax meal powder
2 dashes of cinnamon powder
6 ice cubes
Splenda/Stevia to taste

**Based on Sunset Sealy's "Breakfast Shake"

Happy assimilating guys!


-Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of:
Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums